I Should Be Rich

I Should Be Rich
Considering the amount of fraud that has been committed with my music and comedy on the television and radio, I'm surprised that there is such little apparent public outrage over it. I thought people would be more insulted to be lied to like that, right to their very hearts, with hit songs and comedy and poetry and cartoons. If I were a parent, I'd be concerned about the kind of example being set by a lot of TV stars and rock stars. Just because the network shuns such embarrassments doesn't mean that you don't get severely punished for committing fraud. I wouldn't want my child to have to learn the hard way because he trusted his TV too much.

The stars in my copyright violators list, too numerous to name here, are rich. And they made a lot of money from stealing my things from the internet. And Dateline made a lot of money from talking about me behind my back. Do you know where I was while Dateline was making piles of money by talking about me? Did anyone ask? I was in a soup line, waiting for my daily meal. I was alone. I was living in the same room I occupy now. No one paid me anything. Where was I while Blue Rodeo was coming to town last year to try to play my music at their big lucrative concert? I think I was on the way to the music store to sell my amp. Needed the cash to offer a lawyer. Where was I while Nickleback were out touring with large pieces of my songs in their set? Probably waiting for a sandwich at the sister's. (I don't go there anymore.) Where was I while the Crystalids were making it big and Mike Myers was cashing in Austin Powers and Tina Fey and George Carlin were robbing me blind? I tried to make ends meet with day labour assignments, especially hard labour. And when Beyonce came to sing her concert here, I had taken on a room mate to help me with my rent. Couldn't afford it on my own.

Does that help anyone to see the injustice of this crime against me? We all need money to live. As long as I'm not rich after writing all that popular work, there is no justice here. And money would also give me the respect I deserve.

You can tell I don't get the respect I deserve when I have to ask if someone is making unfair comparisons with those fraud bands. Did I hear someone say they were more live? Well, I can't play four instruments at once and sing, but at least I know how to write the music. And I think it is more impressive to be able to sound good with your own music than to need someone else to write it for you. Ditto for my comedy.

Who else out there has been ripped off by all the top bands on the radio and all the biggest stars on TV? Anyone? And who are the broadcasters and newspapers hyping as the newest sensation? Someone else? What's so special about someone else?

You know what stinks the most about this crime I've been exposing here, year after year? It's a crime of the upper class, who always make such a show of decency. They're allowed to continue peddling their false image of decency in the face of mountains of fraud to indicate otherwise. Do you know why frauds go to prison? Because of a clause in their contract that exonerates their employers. In other words, if Dick Cheney wanted to ruin my life, he could sign a band to steal my music and escape prosecution. The fraud band would operate on the assumption that I would not survive their crime. That's the kind of life I was handed in November 2007, the kind that you are not supposed to survive. But if Dick Cheney wants to now, he can sign another band to steal my new songs, and when their fraud fails, it will only be the band that is punished because it says in their contract that their music must be their own work. In the meantime, I would endure untold horrors with a commercially supported band playing my new songs. That's what seems to have been passing for justice over the last few years.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.
