Fraud Should Be Illegal

Fraud Should Be Illegal
I've got a new recording that I'm happy with. Should I post it? I wonder.

How did everyone like the first few hundred recordings I posted? I bet they appreciated my sincerity coming through in the music. It's the kind of sincerity that comes from having the purest of motives for writing and sharing music. If it was against the law to make money from music, I would still happily share my music, but all those industry supported music frauds would certainly have found other jobs, maybe as actors.

A couple notes about my style. My music has a certain strength that obviously impressed the rock crowd. This is the same strength I draw upon to withstand the abuses of the music business by bands I'd rather not be associated with, like Nickleback. Nickleback wants you to think I'm a pussy because I'm not rich, but my strength does not depend on piles of money. And my music rocks because I am rebellious. It casts an evil and manipulative illusion to put such rebellious sounding music in the hands of industry blowboys like Nickleback. I should never have had to mention the band's name here because I loathe them, but everyone was so casual about bands like that committing fraud with my music. Too bad they're not nearly as comfortable with admitting the truth now.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.
