Why We Need the Junos

Why We Need the Junos
I just saw the big bus billboard advertising the Juno Awards for Canadian musical talent. Who watches that? Does anyone like that? I'm sure that the award winners like it, but does anyone else? And who's been winning the Junos for best new recording artist since songs stolen out of my YouTube account got so popular behind my back on the radio?

I know that perhaps certain Canadian media figures celebrate it, like the broadcasters who were directly involved in the fraud committed with my songs by Canadian bands like Blue Rodeo and Nickleback from 2007 almost to the present. Did my music win any Junos in the hands of such Canadian frauds? Don't ask them.

I wasn't invited to the Junos. I guess I'm not impressive enough to rub shoulders with all the great artists who steal my music. But what a great way for otherwise scattered and opposing groups to unite and be able to plan conspiracies against isolated artists like myself. And they even have the media nearby to keep everything coordinated.

I guess we need the Junos so that we can never face reality. We need it so that the appearance of honouring our musicians will supplant the real help that they may desperately need. We need it to stroke the egos of the broadcast media and their personal favourites. We need it to fill the time slot in the programming schedule with Canadian content. All the same, I'm going to skip it. I hope I survive.
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