Crumby Treatment

Crumby Treatment
Speaking of crumby treatment: Before you read any further, can someone please tell me what happened to two posts I've been looking for in my LEFTOVERS blog? One of them is the back end code and post for 'Canadian History: The Loyalest.' I wanted to get in and correct a small typo, but I can't find the file in my account - even though it's online. And the same is true of a statement I wrote called 'Corporate Tyranny Sucks.' The post is online but I can't find the file behind it.

12:23pm I have located the source files of the aforementioned. I hope they stay there. I hope I just missed them somehow. You can't blame me for being paranoid. I'm sure the girl they got to play Fanny was good. And I thought Shannon Shriek was also well cast. I bear no resentment of the children involved in these productions. I blame their irresponsible adult guardians, especially the neatly dressed ones that waved television stardom in their faces with my blogs. I'm sure I would have done the same thing when I was their age.

While it is good when musical mountebanks and comedy crooks are punished for their crimes, it is not enough, on its own, to render full justice. Harm to fraud victims may persist or even worsen, regardless of severe punishments imposed by the courts on their behalf. Full justice is not rendered, in their case, until the victim has been properly compensated. I'm still waiting for my compensation.

How's my public image doing, by the way? Are they allowed to withhold that from me? That hardly seems fair. Is it legal? So much for having laws. I thought I'd ask how my public image was doing because my sense of well being depends, largely, on being able to hold up my head in public without shame. And what do I have to be ashamed of? Being unemployed? That's how all this work got done in the first place, while a bunch of lazy stars sat around and read my blogs and took all the money and credit. Did you know I starved to write some of these blogs the first time? I couldn't afford to pay for an apartment on my E.I. So then they get to make millions of dollars from my efforts and I have to move to an S.O.R. Is that just? What else do I have to be ashamed of? Being crazy? Why didn't anyone think those stars were crazy when they said these blogs were theirs? Why is it only crazy if I wrote them? I was trying to be nice when I first shared them because they made me laugh and gave me pleasure. And now why do I seldom get anything but shit for them? Is that just?

Is it crazy to hear voices? Only if they're not really there, eh? How the fuck do I know what they did to my brain in fourteen years of school? What if someone else put those voices in there? Would I be crazy then? What do such voices ever say? They say my work is being robbed. They say stars went to jail or prison for stealing from me. They say I've just written or rewritten a hit song. It often turns out to be true. I hear them the same as I hear the music in my head, most vividly. Is it just to send me to the clinic and force me onto medication when it might be normal to hear such things in my position?

Before you strap me to a table to do experiments on me, can we try another therapy? How about justice? After going through all that abuse at the hands of those vicious stars, I don't deserve to be slumming in a downtown flophouse. Wouldn't I feel a lot better if I had my millions and millions of dollars of royalties that the broadcasters and stars spent on themselves? I bet I would.

It's a crumby way to treat a man, calling him crazy behind his back. And you can tell Elizabeth Hurley that I can dish it out, too. Don't let her think she's getting off the hook so easily just because I might have a confessed admiration for British speaking brunettes. If she likes crumbs, I'll give her crumbs. I'll tie her up and make her watch me take the rolling pin to some saltines - right on the counter top. And no matter how much she screamed, I'd keep crunching them and crunching them at her. Then I'd take a handful and throw them at her face. Then I'd take another handful and sprinkle them in her hair. She better keep her hair short if she knows what's good for her.
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