Think About It

Think About It
I just hate having to listen to the rock radio these days. God, I want to kill those bastards. Why do I have to be subjected to such torture all the time? What kind of sadistic world is this? What the fuck are those brain dead assholes trying to celebrate anyway? The destruction of civilization at their hands? What a bunch of bone headed barbarians. And the fucking labels had to go and make them look clever with my music. Now they want to act like being clever is gay. They're so fucking transparent.

I had a feeling that my work would be received well by the younger crowd precisely because of its sophistication. But it's not too cerebral, it's nice balance. Youth are smarter now than they were in Doctor Seuss's day. Doctor Seuss would have avoided some of the more polysyllabic choices in my poetry. His poems are very simplified. I don't think this is necessary to reach children anymore, and if my poetry was popular with them, regardless of who they got it from, then I guess it proves my point. My rock is kind of the same idea. Compared to a lot of what I am forced to hear on the radio, my rock shows above average intelligence, to say the least. I don't dumb myself down for a younger audience. I encourage youth to think.

I recall being in school and how I would sometimes dumb myself down to fit into a group. School has smart kids acting dumb to get ahead. You might end up a lot stupider for going there than you were to start with. And while youth are making themselves dumber for their friends, the TV and radio are always appealing to their ten percent stupidest, to make sure that the last thing they would ever want to do is think. And then they let me just fill in all the gaps left by assholes who can't think enough to do their fucking jobs on TV or a music label.
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