Over the Line

Over the Line
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Hi again, everyone. How is the hateful media on this beautiful sunny day? How's their noxious green hate cloud? Is it covering the whole land yet? Well, it's Sunday. Maybe they have the day off.

I heard a complaint from one of my young relatives in Ottawa. I heard that her web page was assaulted with filth. Do you think the culprit might be one of the media's favourite stars? Their stars are always covering me with filth behind my back, but going after my relatives in a faraway province is over the line. I hate to hear about my innocent relatives taking fire from my lawbreaking enemies, but I guess that's the way the media likes it.

I doubt I need to protect my young relative. She could probably level all these idiots with one hand tied behind her back. They're such skulking wimps. And if you must gather them into a large group in my vicinity, why don't you let me put my Bobcat experience to work on them? I'll ship them to China in a 500 pound cardboard bale, where their skulls will be discovered in a nation of over a billion people and heedlessly tossed into a wastepaper basket.

Since the media broke into my world and tried to take over my life eleven years ago, I have become sadly estranged from my relatives. My family didn't want me at my parents' funerals, for instance. I believe one of them at the time even said, 'you're lucky you're not here.' (Right, Roger? And I thought you were in prison when I heard that! How's Bernard?) And while this is going on, everyone loves bands like Blue Rodeo and Coldplay with my music and gives them millions and millions of dollars - maybe even among my own relatives, eh?

So how's the miserable, hateful media today? Are they sad instead of hateful? Did I spoil their backyard barbecues where they could all get together and outnumber me as they listened to their favourite fraud bands playing my songs and destroying my life?

I'm going to return to my cartooning at home, now that I've exorcised this latest musical demon from the back of my brain. I better not hear it on the radio again unless I'm getting paid my royalties for it.

One last question. Why do I still hear shit behind my online music with the comments disabled? How do I block video responses? Do I have to accept those? Who responded to my comment-blocked song, Simper, yesterday with some sort of vulgar putdown on behalf of her cell block hero? I hope I can learn to block out these unwelcome remarks from malevolent strangers.
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